Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Welcome 2006!

Wow, it has been over a month since I last posted a blog entry! A lot has happened in that time too. Where to begin....?

Well, I suppose I could start by saying "Welcome to 2006!" I hope everyone had a wonderful and happy New Year celebration and also a very Merry Christmas! Things are fairly good around my house. Everyone has remained healthy so far (even my middle daughter, Shannon, who has Cystic Fibrosis) so that's a blessing to thank God for. My wife and I are preparing for the arrival (any day) of our fourth and final child....a boy! After having three girls I'm ready for a change and God granted my wish for a boy! I love my girls though and wouldn't trade them for anything. Here's a pic of my little hoodlums from this December!

Christmas - 2005 Breanna, our oldest, also turned 8 years old on the 30th. It doesn't seem like it's been that long ago that she was born but time does fly by.

December was also a "down" month for me personally. I lost both my grandfather (who passed away on Dec. 9th) and the band I've been a part of for the last three years (which broke up somewhere between Dec. 6th and Dec. 9th due to some internal relationship issues that I'm not completely understanding). So, in all honesty, I guess you could say that I'm hoping 2006 brings some better events, starting in this month of January. I know God is still watching over me and will guide, direct, and protect myself and my family as we journey forward in this life. I am also seeking His direction on what He wants me to do musically, because I still feel He wants me active somewhere in some type of public music ministry.

Well, I know this entry was fairly short after being gone so long but that's about all I have for now... except this link to share... Here's the entry for yesterday's "My Utmost For His Highest" reading for January 2nd. It's definitely a good read, especially for those of you seeking God's direction.

Have a great day and welcome again to 2006!


kathryn said...

Dale, what beauties your girls are!!! How exciting too that your son is soon to arrive on the scene!! As for 2005. . yes, you did have some troubles. . but here's hoping for a good year this year!!!

you're in my prayers.

Dale said...

Thanks Kat! I appreciate it!